Voyager [COMIC/1984.6.14 ~ 10.11]



  The Sixth Doctor? Frobisher? Illustrations by John Ridgway? The edge of the universe with all the surreal and mind-bending imagery to be expected from the comic medium? I don't know about you, but the combination of these wonderful factors makes for a wonderful experience. Doctor Who's comic/graphic novel universe is (mostly) uncharted territory for me, and Voyager managed to be the perfect opening chapter to my new journey: exciting, imaginative, gorgeously drawn and ambitious. 

  Voyager may be ostensibly a first part in a spanning epic, but it manages to stand on its own as an adventure. The opening dream sequence is lush with imagination, establishing a foreboding recurring figure. At the same time, it gives us a glimpse of the Sixth Doctor's verbose nature, with detailed and poetic language present on every page. It's interesting to note that this was published mere months after The Twin Dilemma was aired; I feel that early-installment weirdness in terms of the Doctor we see here, with a brasher and less amicable demeanor. This isn't a downside for me, but I can see how those who have primarily interacted with Old Sixie via Big Finish would find this comic strip version of the Doctor a bit alienating. 

  Even with these elements, the Doctor is as fiercely clever as always. It helps that Frobisher, one of Doctor Who's finest companions, is there to be as delightful and funny as ever. The exploration of old legends and mysterious, celestial beings is fascinating, and as a self-contained story it works perfectly, let alone as a teaser. Plus, I don't think I'll ever get over how beautiful these drawings are. I really should delve into John Ridgway's contributions to Who, shouldn't I?


  Graphic novels are a beautiful way to express ideas and explore stories, unrestrained by a shoestring BBC budget. Voyager takes that freedom and runs with it, delivering huge conceptual characters and scenes with success. With color, it's perhaps the quintessential Doctor Who comic strip.


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