Blackout [AUDIO/2011.9.9]


  I have a few reasons to be fond of Blackout. Firstly, it's a story set in 1960s USA, at the height of 'men in black' sightings that the story utilises. Secondly, it uses the element of atmosphere far better than its BBC Audio/AudioGo peers and brings the desolate, dark New York to life quite admirably. Last but not least, of course  and this is a purely personal thing  I have such nostalgia for Eleventh Doctor audio exclusives. They were my first true foray into Doctor Who in audio form, and I still vividly remember the joy I felt listening to installments like The Jade Pyramid and The Gemini Contagion. They became my first step into a world of Doctor Who outside the small screen.

  In itself, Blackout's greatest strength is that it knows the amount of things it has to entertain the audience and knows its most optimal length. Sometimes, hour-long stories feel a bit too rushed, while some two-hour stories feel stretched beyond its abilities. Oli Smith's story has just the right length with just the right amount of elements I can enjoy. Rory is a goof, Amy is perhaps a bit self-assured and arrogant on the outside but is given a few lovely moments to remind us that she's still stronger than she seems (her determination not to show her tears, for instance), and the Eleventh Doctor adds gravity to the story by ditching some of his more frivolous mannerisms and being a bit more serious. It's a good way to spend your hour, this — if you miss the taste of Series 6, there's no better audio exclusive to try.


  Stuart Milligan certainly has an... interesting way of portraying Amy and Rory. It's strange; he does Eleven's accent quite well, and admittedly Amy's Scots accent might not be his strongest suit as an American actor... but what's with that weird mix of American and Brit with Rory?


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