Blood on Santa's Claw [AUDIO/2019.12.10]



  Every Doctor Who writer has a Doctor and companion team that they best utilize. In the case of Nev Fountain, it's (unsurprisingly, considering he's Nicola Bryant's partner) Peri and the Sixth Doctor. Fountain emulates the warm, playful and bonded camaraderie of The Mysterious Planet to much success; as such, Big Finish's Sixth Doctor and Peri adventures penned by him are a joy to listen to.

  Blood on Santa's Claw is no different. Being a one-part story in a compilation release, it's quite a short adventure (and therefore, somewhat less complex and kind to relistens)... but its richness in imagination would beat many of its contemporaries. Santa Claus, a deified faith! William Shakespeare's faith and its followers, complete with the mannerisms and wordplay frequently seen in the great man's works! Walking, talking and well-dressed animals oppressed because of misinformation! You can always tell when a writer is having a ball creating a story, and this adventure certainly has that enthusiasm. It's an energy that infects not just the actors playing their part (Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant are, as always, such a treat to listen to) but the entire production as well. 


  For a thirty-minute story, it's surprisingly engaging and feels much shorter than it already is. Its playful regard of cultures, customs and silly costumes is a delight to listen to. Yes, I'd say Blood on Santa's Claw got me excited to delve into the rest of this compilation.


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