Children of the Revolution [COMIC/2001.12.13 ~ 2002.5.2]


  The Evil of the Daleks is one of the most creative Dalek serials of the Classic Series, and it's such a joy to see the humanised Daleks brought back to the mythos. What I love about Children of the Revolution most is that the return of the Doctor's creations brings a moral question: if he had made these variations specifically to defeat the Dalek Emperor, then is he any better than the villains he faces?

  Make no mistake, the bad guy of the piece is a Lovecraftian tentacle creature that acts as a predator... but the real terror is the hysteria and paranoia in humankind, gnawing inside until there's nothing left but a hollow vessel from which said monster can seed doubt and hatred. In a surprising twist, the Daleks in this comic strip never kill any of trapped humans, wishing instead to preserve their own anonymity by preventing them to leave. It's one of those ambitious Dalek stories that always try new things frame to frame, and I find that quite admirable. There may not be as much action as one would expect from a Dalek comic strip, but this was never meant to be so. Children of the Revolution is a layered examination of the Doctor's influence on his worst enemies, the consequences of his actions and habits. Izzy may not get as much to do in this story as she previously did in previous entries, but she's still a delight throughout.


  Featuring wonderful illustrations from Lee Sullivan, Children of the Revolution is an amazing entry to the Eighth Doctor series and, in hindsight, a fitting finale to the Daleks from DWM. 


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