Collision Course [AUDIO/2019.7.17]


  It's an end of a long journey, and all the questions are answered. The very first TARDIS to have been created turns out to be behind all the time fractures encountered throughout the boxset, its ripple effects engineered and manipulated by the Sirens of Time. As soon as I heard the Nine mention something about "the very first" in Relative Time, I knew Big Finish was onto something novel — an exciting idea from a giant celebratory boxset, fancy that!

  We all know at this point how most multi-Doctor stories go — Doctors meet, have a few words with each other (some of them get on like a house on fire, others can't get enough of biting each other), companions get generally confused and they team up to destroy the Big Bad Whatsit. In the case of Collision Course (and slightly to its detriment), it's given such a short runtime that even the usually exciting interactions feel... quite run-of-the-mill. I know this is more of a case of personal preference since I've had my fair fill of Big Finish multi-Doctor stories, but it's a shame that Guy Adams isn't given an opportunity to do something more interesting with either the format or the Doctors themselves. As to be expected, they pull their resources — and some levers — and the Sirens of Time are defeated. I'm not going to say this is bad in any respect; in fact, I find it entertaining enough (and the surprise cameo by the Tenth Doctor is always a welcome treat... I never thought I'd hear David Tennant say "Benny!"). In the future, if we'd be so lucky, I hope that these multi-Doctor installments become more willing to take risks. As it is, Collision Course is a fine conclusion to The Legacy of Time.


  Tragedy strikes in the form of Blogger not allowing more than 200 letters as tags. Oh well, for the sake of acknowledging credit where it's due, I thank the efforts of Tim Treloar, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann — and of course, David Tennant, David Bradley and Frazer Hines as the Tenth, First and Second Doctors respectively. 


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