Descendance / Ascendance [COMIC/1996.8.10 ~ 12.21]


  The biggest disappointment I felt from this comic two-parter (or should I say twenty-parter, taking into account one comic "story" consists of ten parts...) is that this is yet again a case of new companion Stacy being almost completely sidelined. The setting of Mars would've been a perfect way to learn more about how this person reacts to certain things, how she handles situations in an environment she's not accustimed to... but no, she's manacled to a wall next to an Ice Warrior that promptly becomes the Doctor's other companion. Really, Gary Russell, were you that unsure about whether audiences would warm to a blond girl and an Ice Warrior traveling together inside the TARDIS? Would it have been a catastrope to at least let Stacy in on some of the action? 

  Alright, I'll admit that the paragraph above may haave been a little unwarranted. I was just a bit miffed at the fact that Stacy was pretty much shoved under the rug right after her introduction story (which was already pretty slight in terms of her involvement). Descendance / Ascendance is actually a solid two-parter, mixing Ice Warrior politics with the usual bangs, flashes and underground monsters of Doctor Who. I'd say this two-parter has a slight edge over Dreadnought due to its more lengthy nature allowing for a more relaxed pace and a more thorough exploration of Ice Warrior society (though admittedly we don't see a whole lot). 


  Once again, Lee Sullivan's artwork brings out so much of the excitement and the complexity of the work. Thanks to his illustrations, as well as the aforementioned length, Descendance / Ascendance proves to be an entertaining and occasionally rather beautiful Ice Warrior story. Rituals, conspiracies and heroic sacrifices... what's not there to like?


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