Exploration Earth [AUDIO/1976.10.4]


  I sort of feel bad for giving Exploration Earth the lowest score; I know it was primarily made for educational purposes, and it probably helped many children in 1976 with their geology exams. I stand firm in my opinions, however, and the steadfast belief that in these reviews I must always follow my heart. 

  And let's hear what the heart has to say about the matter: Exploration Earth has absolutely nothing to enjoy. I mean it, nothing — not even the educational aspect of it, because such is the depth of the topic of geology covered here that I hesitate to even call this educational. What we have here is a twenty-minute trek around the genesis and formation of planet Earth with two very bored leads (now this is what I call an autopilot performance) and a terrible villainous turn from John Westbrook as Megron. At no part of this adventure did my ears perk up; it's quite amazing how bored one can become in a span of twenty short minutes.


  As a historical document, I suspect Exploration Earth is more invaluable than most would give it credit for. As an actual Doctor Who adventure, it's absolutely void of engaging factors. Unless you're interested in one of the first Doctor Who audio dramas, I wouldn't exactly recommend it (then again, it is only twenty minutes long)...


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