Hidden Human History [COMIC/2019.3.6 ~ 5.29]


  One thing I'm always confident about in these Thirteenth Doctor comics from Titan is Jody Houser's ability to capture the essence of the character every single time. That perfect mixture of compassion and aloofness is what I see in Thirteen, particulary the way she was in Series 11, and Houser's writing brings out the best of this Doctor. Much love to her, and to this TARDIS fam.

  Hidden Human History feels like one of those Short Trips, in the best possible way. Instead of your typical defeat-the-aliens-invading-history narrative, the comic decides to go with something more subtle, more celebratory of the Doctor and her modus operandi (which is, paired with a traditional Doctor Who story for the first installment, a good way to kick off a comic line). Aliens exist in the past alright, and they're carrions that feed on blood, but that doesn't mean they're evil... just that they're dangerous. This show of compassion proves to be the crux of the entire story, and the reason the Stilean flesh eater begins to learn about the human way of life and of the compassion once encountered. It's a beautiful message to show, and one that needs reiterating from time to time; it's what makes the Doctor special amongst all the sci-fi heroes, after all.


  For now, the Titan Comics have been straying away from high-octane entertainment in favor of light banter, inspiring speeches and messages of faith and compassion... and I'm completely OK with that. The traditional serving of adventure and danger is here, of course, but it's the focus that's centered on what it means to judge someone, or to try and understand. Overall, Hidden Human History proves to be an excellent showcase of the Thirteenth Doctor.


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