Party Animals [COMIC/1991.4.18]


  It's funny. I've known about Party Animals for years, and (I suppose this is my fault) developed something of a hefty expectation for this seemingly freeform, crazy comic strip. Turns out, it's a fun little short trip with Gary Russell pulling out every fanservice element he can. Not exactly the best comic I've ever read, but it's still very fun.

  Highlight for me, of course, is the appearance of the Nth Doctor and Ria from the Audio Visuals adventures, a run of unofficial stories I have a fondness of. With Nicholas Briggs' toothbrush-wearing Doctor appearing in stories here and there, I've grown to love this mysterious incarnation more and more. His role in Party Animals, much like that of the Seventh Doctor and Ace, may be minimal... but the fact remains that his inclusion is the icing in this absolute fanwank cake. If nothing else, this comic is short, sweet, and full of Easter eggs. To say I had a pleasant time would be an understatement.


  Beep the Meep... yet another Doctor Who villain I consider to be at the very top of the tier list. The sight of him as a slurry, drunk-off-his-pants wreck brought me great joy.


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