Perceptions / Coda [COMIC/1997.1.4 ~ 3.22]


  It's sad that Gary Russell wasn't able to complete his Eighth Doctor comic run the way he wanted, because this adventure here is where I finally got to see the range display some ambition. The Ice Warrior shenanigans were also pretty fun too, but this has the distinct feeling of going somewhere TV couldn't have with their budgetary limitations, what with the change in scenery from Perceptions to Coda. It's a shame, then, that Coda didn't turn out the way Russell wanted because of a change of plans from the higher-uppers (it was originally supposed to be called Deceptions, and feature Zygons).

  As it stands, the comic two-parter (feels like a bit of a cop-out to call it a two-parter when the second part lasts for one fifth of the first) is a decent adventure that focuses more on characters and their moral choices rather than pure action, as was the case in the previous story. It adds a bit of variety to the short-lived Radio Times series, and overall makes my experience of the range worthwhile. It's a small relief that Stacy is finally given an interesting perspective — having killed an alien out of an attempt of self-defence — after two stories of being shunted off to the side. It's an equally small shame, then, that she yet again gets possessed by shapeshifting aliens. Thankfully, in a weird twist of fate because of the rushed end of the comic run, she doesn't stay possessed for long.


  As a whole, the Radio Times Eighth Doctor run is an enjoyable corner of the Doctor Who mythos. There's nothing completely amazing about them, sure, but they allow us to experience three more Eighth Doctor adventures... and I don't know about you, but I'm willing to gobble up more Eighth Doctor stuff anytime I get the chance. It's great, in hindsight, that Stacy Townsend and Ssard get another go at being fascinating characters in the Eighth Doctor Adventures novel range.


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