Praxeus [TV/2020.2.2]

(Artwork by Caroline Tankersley)


  Series 12 is a much more exciting (note: does not mean 11 is "bad" in any way, only implying that 12 runs on the ground 11 took its time to establish) counterpart to its predecessor, for many reasons. The already lavish production value has taken a step up with gorgeous shots and color grading; Jamie Magnus Stone does a wonderful job with this episode. The fam is much more comfortable around each other, and everyone more or less has one or two clearly definable traits and the actors all seem to have the time of their lives this time around. The focus on education continues with Praxeus, and minus a few moments that got a bit too Exploration Earth, I'd say it does a pretty damn good job as a slice of Doctor Who.

  It sends a warm feeling to my heart, the fact that Doctor Who now has the budget to make globe-trotting adventures as deliciously expensive-looking as they want. The neon lights of Hong Kong alleyways, the beautiful vistas of Madagascar... they're all superb in any television show standard, let alone Who. Ryan and Graham become more and more confident with each episode, and Yaz has stood out as one of the best contributions to the mythos during Chris Chibnall's tenure. Much like Clara Oswald, she's picked up a few mannerisms and tricks from the Doctor and sets off to test her own skills — but there's an earnestness to her, empowered by Mandip Gill's performance, that makes this attempt a very different beast. Yaz not so much wants to be the Doctor as wants to impress her, make her happy... and wishes for her. I remember getting my hopes up on initial broadcast, and now the whole Thirteen/Yaz thing has become true. Hindsight can be such a beautiful thing.


  Harmless, educational and exciting — this is a crash-course on Doctor Who for 13 and below, with glances to the young adults and parents every now and then. I don't know about you, but I had a lot of fun watching an episode that sees Doctor Who and her gang run around the world to fight an alien virus brought upon our planet because of humanity's casual disregard for the environment. Series 12 is all the better with Praxeus on its roster.


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