School Reunion [TV/2006.4.29]


  A 2006 time capsule, a subtle dig on the UK education/school system, a debut (and as of yet, sadly the only TV appearance) of a fascinating race of villains, a return of a classic companion... and so much more. I forgot just how packed School Reunion was with stuff to enjoy; what looks on the surface like a fun little Doctor Who episode set inside a school turns out to be a dangerously intimate exploration of what it means to be with the Doctor.

  Elisabeth Sladen rises to the occasion magnificently, as if she'd never left the character since The Hand of Fear (or to be more exact, since the second series of Big Finish's Sarah Jane Smith spinoff). It was certainly an interesting choice to imply that Sarah Jane had romantic feelings for the Doctor during her time with him, and it could've gone in a disasterous direction had it been a less talented actor... but Sladen never lets the material go haywire. She's steadfast, rising to the challenge of whatever the script throws at her — ex-vs-current-girlfriend bouts with Rose, emotional moments with the Doctor, and the difficult decision to turn down the Doctor's offer, the lot. What I like most about Sarah Jane in this adventure is that she finally accepts the inevitable truth, that she won't be able to stay with the Doctor forever, and runs off to have her own adventures. What a wonderful characterisation. It helps that David Tennant is obviously giddy with the thrill of meeting his childhood hero, and positively shines as the Doctor — when it comes to portraying a man who's just met a very close friend he hasn't seen for millenia, he needs no acting!


  Who would've thought that a blast-to-the-past episode woudl contain so many meaty moments eluding to the Doctor as a character, as well as an indication of his further development? With fantastic villains (the Krillitanes, on rewatch, are one of the most conceptually brilliant creations of the new series; a warmongering race that takes the best biological parts of their victims into their own evolutionary cycle), a twofold exploration on the Doctor's post-Time War trauma and his burden of having to live on as his friends die, and a showcase for a more rounded Mickey, School Reunion remains a fantastic adventure. Rose is shunted off to the side a bit and acts as the jealous current girlfriend, but at least Billie Piper makes it entertaining. I could watch another hour of this... I so wish this was a two-parter.


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