Selfie [COMIC/2015.7.11]


  I've never actually been to a Comic-Con in my life, but I know its reputation as a fun event for fans to get together and see their celebrities. Leave it to Cavan Scott (one half of this comic's writing crew) to make an event comic work as a reflection on modern society's obsession with taking pictures.

  Doctor Who and his travelling companion ending up in Comic-Con, need I say more? Entire panels filled with the geekiest Easter eggs, a wealth of jokes hidden behind every drawing — it's a subculture enthusiast's paradise, this. As to be expected, the "villain" of the piece is there simply because every Doctor Who story needs one, but I'll give credit to Selfie that the Lady of Neverness has an eye-catching, distinct design. The Twelfth Doctor and Clara are a fun duo as always, with the added bonus that the Doctor is in his Series 9 days, still a grouch but with a more open heart to tolerate (and in cases, perpetrate) nonsense. To see him bounce around the con in various poses to take selfies is an unspeakable delight.


  It's not some mythos-changing epic or an intensely psychological piece, but Selfie sets out for its goal (to commemorate, to celebrate Comic-Con) and achieves it effortlessly. The Doctor taking selfies like a madman, Clara trying to sneak a selfie with her and the Doctor before they leave the con, a parodic version of Robert Downey Jr. making an appearance... what's there not to enjoy?


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