Spare Parts [AUDIO/2002.7.31]



  I love the Cybermen; they're probably one of my favorite Doctor Who villains. The Daleks may be unrivaled in their iconic status within the mythos, but it's the cold logic, body horror, behind-the-veil threat and the mirror of humanity of these tinfoil robots. One particular aspect I love so much about the Cybermen is the fact that they have not one, but multiple origins. It's a tale as old as time; where humans are, there will always be Cybermen. It's human nature — ambition, fear and lust for science — that brings out the robot within us.

  One such origin story of the Cybermen is Spare Parts, a harrowing exploration of the last days of Mondas. Director Gary Russell really is a powerhouse; the winding streets, cozy slum houses with barred windows, an air of oppression and despair in the air... the sound design of this installment is fantastic. I also love the Central Commmittee of Mondas; they are to the Cybermen what Davros was to the Daleks, but they're completely different at the same time. The idea of cyber-conversion is not from one madman, but from somewhere much less tangible, much more vague. Marc Platt was obviously interested in the Cybermen as an idea that wanders throughout the universe, and it works so well. Giving Nyssa a family to spend time with before tragedy befalls them is such a wonderful choice; we see the corruption of human nature, a tiny bit of that sweet body horror, and a heart-wrenching sequence from the fate of Yvonne.


  There's a reason this audio drama is lauded by so many. It would have attracted plenty of attention by its Genesis of the Cybermen concept alone, but it's the rock solid drama and direction that carry Spare Parts that extra mile. Peter Davison is electrifying, confident in his role as the Doctor again by this stage and delivering memorable line after memorable line. Nyssa has an opportunity to question the Doctor's morals and have (horrifying) adventures of her own. To call this your money's worth would be a grave understatement.


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