Survivors of the Flux / The Vanquishers [TV/2021.11.28 ~ 12.5]


  And just when I thought Flux couldn't get any better, we have  wait for it  an actually satisfying finale to a series! Survivors of the Flux and The Vanquishers builds upon the foundations of the previous four episodes, all the while offering more secrets related to the Doctor's mysterious past with Division as well as her role as the Timeless Child. The adventure is so rich, so many delicious things from past, present and future to chew on, and the actors have one hell of a time.

  Azhur Saleem's direction is overall very beautiful, with even more eye-popping vistas from around the stars on display. The Division station floating ominously between the space of two universes, the alien landscapes of the Passenger form, the Lungbarrow-esque deserted house in a beautiful black-and-white sequence... see, Marvel, this is what happens when your CGI has actual artistic intent. Dodgy editing during the first half of the second part, though  almost as if it was deliberately shortened for the runtime. The sets have never looked better as well, with the Division station interior being this beautifully lit sci-fi lair set reminiscent of a TARDIS. Miraculously, all the antagonists (the Grand Serpent, Swarm and Azure, even Tecteun) are given weight. All of them have that spark that makes a good villain, and they've all been so glorious in this series — and not only them, but the supporting cast as well! From Vinder to Professor Jericho, from Bel to Karvanista, everyone is brought to life with such energy... and I couldn't be happier. Jodie Whittaker makes yet another standout performance, her Thirteen being torn (both in the literal sense and the metaphorical) and put through a lot in this story. Her barely-bridled rage against Tecteun is captivating, her casual joke-flirting with herself is hilarious, and her single running tear after apologising to Yaz about not telling her everything is touching. When people say Thirteen has no character, I'd like to volunteer and lay it all out for them: she's a born manipulator, much like her seventh incarnation was, except her affection for Yaz is turning her into someone more open, more trustworthy. A layered performance from Whittaker, I can't commend her enough.


  The way I see it, the final two-parter of Series 13 is an exciting epic that ties satisfying knots with the various threads we have seen over the six episodes. Flux in general has been a delightful set of stories that keep pushing the boundaries of what can be realised on television and the format of Doctor Who, the history of it and the shape of things to come. Characters you latch onto instantly, bold sci-fi ideas and gorgeous executions, as well as a willingness to expand on who the Doctor is  was this show made just for me? I had an incredible amount of fun with Survivors of the Flux / The Vanquishers, as I did with the entire series; it showed to me that televised Doctor Who can now be as bold, deep and playful with the mythos as the expanded universe. I can see myself returning to Flux every so often, to remind myself just how fun Doctor Who can be... what is it with season-long arcs that get me so hooked (Key to Time, Trial of a Time Lord, and now this), I wonder? I will be sad indeed to see Jodie Whittaker go... the interminable star of the show.


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