The Circus of Doom [AUDIO/2009.11.5]


  The circus feels like such a perfect setting for a Fourth Doctor story: the spectacle, the danger, the secrets, the lies. Again, Tom Baker refuses to let me down with another remarkable turn as his Doctor, facing danger with a brave face but feeling — and occasionally expressing — all the foreboding fear from the mystery of the Hornets (called the Swarm at one point in this story) and the pain of failing to save innocent lives. 

  The Circus of Doom retains the magic of the first two Hornets' Nest installments, presenting macabre imagery and wondrous locations in equal measure, and that's the highest praise I can give it. Baker's narration works wonders as always, and the guest cast enhance the experience tenfold with their committed performances. This group of characters is perhaps the most distinct out of the three adventures I've listened to, and it's not just because they're circus performers; everyone has a story to tell, and getting to know them lets you form an idea of just how dangerous these Hornets are. It's never easy to establish an overarching antagonist force and keep them as ominous as they were for as long as Paul Magrs did with his wasp villains — a testament to his skill as a writer.


  In case it wasn't clear with the past two reviews, I am ecstatic about Hornets' Nest. Tom Baker is given material worthy of his calibre and he shines, painting the most vivid pictures with his sonorous voice and letting our imaginations do the rest. Hornets being the big bad foe of Doctor Who seems like such a bonkers idea, and it's precisely why they work so well — they're a sign of pure imagination, a dedication to be as fun and bold as possible, and it gives me a sense of excitement that there's no limit to what the series will attempt. Bravo, Paul Magrs. On with the next one!


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