The Hesitation Deviation [AUDIO/2016.12.23]


  The Hesitation Deviation goes the way so many Christmas-themed Doctor Who stories go: celebrations, festivity, imminent death. There's a spark or two of great creativity, of course — this is a James Goss script, after all — but overall, I'd say it's a light-hearted adventure that won't override your neural synapses. Bernice Summerfield is a treasure as always, with Lisa Bowerman narrating and directing, and the story presents inself as a very clever mini-piece dealing with, as so many clever stories go, the consequences of the Doctor's constant interventions and meddling. It's certainly a fun idea to have an Ultimate Weapon be related to spoken words and such; however, if you want a more in-depth, more fascinating take on a very similar linguistic concept, I recommend ...ish.


  Short Trips, especailly those from Big Finish, are quite hard to review in normal length because of how... well, how short they are. Most of the time, though, I appreciate the ideas that are realised without the one-hour/two-hour time standard they're written to fit, allowing for more quirky and imaginative concepts to blossom in just the right length. These are great for a sleepless night, when your attention span won't allow for a full-length four-parter.


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