The Judgement of Isskar [AUDIO/2009.1.22]


  Season 16, also known as the Key to Time season, is one of my favorites of the classic series. It's so full of vigorous charm, imagination and pure fun. It won't surprise anyone, therefore, that when I first heard about Big Finish's sequel to the arc (aptly called 'Key 2 Time'), I was more than excited. Its beginning adventure written by Simon Guerrier as well — seemed like it was going to be a winner at the time.

  Well, we all make slight mistakes in our lives. The Judgement of Isskar not so much presents a giant, catastrophic space opera plot as dumps it onto the floor, spreads it out beyond its limits and fills the void by typing useless knots with leftover narrative fabric. What I'm trying to say is... there's a lot to appreciate in this story, but they're unevenly placed between piles and piles of the usual alien drivel. I love exotic and new aliens in Doctor Who, but I find it hard to enjoy something when the aliens in question are the only characters aside from the Doctor and they have the most irritating voices imaginable. Paired with a terribly slow pace, the entire experience just boils down to quite unpleasant. If there are any saving graces, it's the inclusion of Amy/Abby and Zara and the superb beginning portion and cliffhanger of Episode 3. 


  The Judgement of Isskar is a messy mishmash of modulated voices and space opera melodrama that fails to grab me substantially. However, I'm very much interested in where Abby and Zara are heading next as their own characters; it's a relief that they seem to have had long futures from Big Finish after the monthly range trilogy.


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