The Krotons [TV/1968.12.28 ~ 1969.1.18]


  If there is any serial that proves even the most uneventful snoozers can be redeemed somewhat by the strength of the main cast alone, it's The Krotons. I dread to imagine how it would've been with a less engaging TARDIS team, and it's a huge relief for all of us that Patrick Troughton, Wendy Padbury and Frazer Hines do their best to make this as entertaining and possible and, to some extent, succeed.

  Robert Holmes would go on to contribute to Doctor Who with far better scripts, the main cast would bring far stronger performances later on in the season, and even the Krotons would become a much better alien race in future Who installments (prime example would be Alien Bodies, a superb novel that shows just how menacing these crystalline aliens can be when their fascinating concept is pulled to its full potential). For now, though, The Krotons is a serial that reeks of a rushed production and therefore generally bland set design and unsure performances from the guest cast. As for the narrative, well... as I said, Holmes would go on to write far better scripts. There are hints of a future of intricate storylines and fun characters, with depictions of a corrupt overlord class and the underclass rebels waiting for a revolution (and, of course, the Doctor essentially being the spark that lights up the entire proverbial forest) — but with the slugglish progression and the lack of interesting scenes apart from those with the Krotons, it ends up being really boring


  In all honesty, I think The Krotons would've been a far better fit for a two-parter slot. Nothing much happens anyway, and the Doctor and co.'s witty and funny banter doesn't have to support the weight of a four-parter.


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