The Land of the Dead [AUDIO/2000.1.?]


  How can a story about dead bones coming to life be this boring, you may ask? Well, I'd answer, just check out The Land of the Dead. There's a distinct lack of interest from everyone involved (from the actors with rather egregiously bad accents to the bland direction), and so it's no surprise that the end result fails to amount to anything significant. 

  One thing I will say is that there's a clear sign of improvement on Peter Davison's part in terms of getting into the saddle of his decades-old role. Don't get me wrong, this is hardly his best performance (as I said, practically everyone sounds either oblivious to what exactly's going on or bored off their wits); however, it's the small verbal mannerisms and tones that really start to sound like a much more confident version of the Fifth Doctor we all know and love from the telly. Sarah Sutton gives a pretty impressive first impression, considering this is her very first performance as Nyssa in Big Finish. 


  Other than its historical significance as the very first Big Finish audio adventure to be released in the 21st century, The Land of the Dead offers very few reasons for you to either pick it up or revisit it. It's a mixture of unengaged performances for honest-to-God boring characters and a direction that doesn't do anything interesting  truly a lethal combination.


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