The Night Walkers [COMIC/1969.11.8 ~ 11.22]


  Delving into these relics of time really puts into perspective the sheer history of Doctor Who. A television show that's still enjoying massive popularity today has been host to some of the wackiest and most imaginative works of fiction for almost sixty years... how amazing is that?

  Season 6B is a part of the Doctor Who mythos that I've always loved. It's an indication of how "canon" means almost nothing in Who, and how the franchise caters for imagination and writers' freedom to create whatever they like. The Night Walkers, despite being the tail end of a run and ostensibly being a regeneration story (it's not a traditional Doctor Who adventure by any means), still has snippets of this oddball part of the Doctor's history, and it's fascinating stuff. The Doctor being a main panel in a game show, chuckling away as he debunks "mysterious happenings" from guests is something that fits the Second Doctor so well  I can almost imagine Patrick Troughton reenacting these scenes. I had so much fun with The Night Walkers; even with its short length, it managed to be a sweet goodbye letter to a much-loved incarnation, as well as quite a creepy little snippet with those walking Time Lord goon scarecrows.


  Call me odd all you like, but I absolutely love the idea of the Doctor being called Dr. Who. It's amusing to me that a portion of the fanbase are vocally against the mention of "Dr. Who" when that was what the fictional character was called outside of the telly for years of the show's lifespan. It's a part of Doctor Who's DNA, and it's a cute and fun little snippet. The panel where the re-animated scarecrows cry out "Dr. Who!" got me chuckling. Life is lived for small pleasures, is it not?


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