The Two Doctors [TV/1985.2.16 ~ 3.2]


  I know it has a mixed reputation within the ten people who've actually watched it, but The Two Doctors is a very entertaining piece that often veers on sublime comedy for me. Robert Holmes, even at this stage of his writing career, knows how to make a Doctor charming... and the Sixth Doctor is given some fun and charming moments for the talented Colin Baker to realize. 

  The idea of Holmes injecting vegetarianism (or to be more exact, anti-meat consumption) into a script about two Doctor Whos and a convoluted time travel plan involving Sontarans is, in itself, an insane prospect... and so we're all the more blessed because it's a reality. I mean, there's no way you can find nothing about The Two Doctors entertaining, surely! Patrick Troughton is simply delightful as the older, grumpier Second Doctor (the jury's still out on whether this is during his Season 6B tenure), and the carnivorous Androgums are given the most scrumptious dialogue from Mr. Holmes. Even the location shoots of Spain give the serial a pleasant, warm feeling amidst all the dark sci-fi goings-on. 


  I'd advise newcomers to not take The Two Doctors too seriously... or at least, as serious as you'd normally regard any number of other multi-Doctor stories. Even amongst its own kind, this story's a bit of an anomaly and it's been bullied to the high heavens for it! Trust me, it's much better to put your feet up and soak in the sunny atmosphere, laugh alongside the heavenly dialogue and cringe at the delightfully ghoulish Androgums and their greedy exploits. Once you get past the rather mundane first episode, I daresay you're in for a treat.


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