The Ultimate Adventure [AUDIO/2008.9.?]


  No, Colin Baker doesn't sing in this one. What a pity.

  Well, just when you think Doctor Who can't get any weirder, how's it like to know that there's an audio drama adaptation of a Doctor Who stageplay from the past, with Daleks, Cybermen, a French aristo companion played by a Brit who naturally butchers the accent, and the Doctor and Margaret Thatcher being old chums? I know what you're thinking  I thought being buddies with Churchill was pushing it a bit, but getting missions from Thatcher is jumping a boatload of sharks. At least the Doctor admits the PM frightens him more than the Daleks and Cybermen...

  It all depends on what you're looking for in Doctor Who  except in The Ultimate Adventure's case, chances are that it won't be what most people are looking for. Cliched musical numbers (I mean, imagine what a Doctor Who-themed musical would be written like... this is exactly that), pantomime mercenaries, Daleks and Cybermen being a bunch of typical sci-fi baddies intent on destroying the world, and the inclusion of Jason — chances are, you'll probably find something or other in this installment that'll irritate you to no end. I've certainly found Jason, with his faux-French accent, quite annoying to listen to. Then again, however... this is supposed to be an adaptation of a Doctor Who musical. How serious are we supposed to expect it to get? Terrance Dicks is clearly having a laugh at the whole thing, and Colin Baker is also in on the joke, showing a particular enthusiasm in imitating the voices of old women and Daleks. The songs are, while cliched, still pretty fun to listen to, and the entire thing veers into the absurd just enough to get my liking.


  You'll likely never find anything like The Ultimate Adventure in Doctor Who. It's silly with a capital S, it's barely held together by the duct tape of Colin Baker and David Banks' talents, and with the right mindset, it's a far more hilarious and pleasant experience than some people give it credit for. If you're up for taking a break from some of the more intense and gritty excesses of Doctor Who, I think I've got just the audio drama for you...


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