Time Bomb! [COMIC/1989.6.20]


  And just when I thought I've seen everything... the Seventh Doctor playing a jester in a medieval play!

  It's very predictable on my part, I know, but I just can't help but enjoy anything that has one of my favorite Doctor Who villains, Josiah W. Dogbolter. The slimy capitalist oozes charisma, and a sense of fun that's totally in the realm of comics — and I can't get enough of his exploits. Death's Head is also becoming a fantastic addition to the Doctor Who mythos, a spacefaring bounty hunter (though he hates being called that) who has a way with dry wit and efficient violence. He has several thorns to pick with the Doctor, but is willing to accept help from him and strike up an unwilling rapport. There's no panel in this comic story where you can stop yourself from smiling (and in some cases, outright laughing), and that's totally okay! This is meant to be a hilarious and silly foray and Time Bomb! absolutely does its job. I wouldn't mind more of this brand of insanity from Marvel Comics, let me tell you.


  The crossovers get even more ambitious in this one. It gives me a great sense of pleasure that thanks to Time Bomb!, the Seventh Doctor is now connected to Marvel's Fantastic Four. My imagination runs amok, imagining the most ridiculous scenarios (how would Bernice Summerfield react to meeting Marvel's first family?). 


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