Invaders from Mars [AUDIO/2002.1.28]


  Why this has such a mediocre reputation among Big Finish listeners is beyond me. Invaders from Mars has the kind of humour that's right up my alley, with rapid-fire dialogue that Paul McGann and the cast bring alive with much aplomb. It never for one second pretends to be other than what it is -- a gumshoe and 1930s pulp sci-fi pastiche that manages to be a love letter to gangster flicks and old radio dramas while also being incredibly funny -- and does what it sets out to do with style. I mean, listen to this thing. In terms of sound design and direction, I'd put this adventure as one of Big Finish's highlights: bustling New York streets filled with manhole steam, distant ferry sounds on the side of the Brooklyn Bridge, oldies music, busy hotels and authentically naff pulp sci-fi blaster sounds. 

  There's also the fact that Orson Welles' infamous Halloween radio drama scare was ripe for Doctor Who to explore, and I couldn't have asked for a more entertaining ride. David Benson deserves to be recognised for his valiant attempt at capturing that unique Welles voice, and it works for this story. Leads Paul McGann and India Fisher, as well as guests Simon Pegg and Jessica Hynes, bring such a fun energy to the table that's infectious to everyone listening. Honestly, this is the kind of Doctor Who I wish Mark Gatiss wrote more during his tenure on telly; it's much less juvenile and more rooted in clever dialogue and actually laugh-out-loud funny jokes. I've recommended this particular installment to film fans (in particular those who love Welles movies) curious about Doctor Who on audio, and if you're reading this and haven't tried it out, go give it a listen with my full recommendation. Giant bat creatures, political fifth columnists and a New York brought to life with such detail -- chances are you're gonna have a great time.


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