The Auton Infinity [AUDIO/2022.9.7]


  If The Auton Infinity hadn't lost its steam somewhere down the line (right around episodes four and five), I would have given it a higher score. There's so much to like about this massive six-parter; as a celebration of the Fifth Doctor, it's a fantastic showcase of this incarnation and of Peter Davison's talents, and as a Master and Auton story, it uses these two villainous forces tremendously. 

  The entire Forty premise of the Fifth Doctor being flung down his own timeline is a fascinating premise, and it's one that's executed and resolved pretty well. My only real problem with it is that it barely adds any sense of fun and danger to the proceedings of The Auton Infinity save for a few identity jokes (both on the companion characters and on the listeners). Artistic intent aside, I just don't feel anything about it -- and that's not usually a good sign. I'm also not convinced that the adventure needed six parts, hence the aforementioned criticism about losing steam around episodes 4 and 5. After the Master is revealed and before the revelation of the vortex driller and the original Nestene... that's when things really start to go downhill, and when you as a listener have to actively try not to have your mind drift away. 

  Well, if downsides like these are a bit too much for you, I wouldn't recommend this at all. However, if you're willing to stomach them for a quite good Auton story and a tribute to Five, there's nothing else quite like The Auton Infinity. Everyone's on top form and doing their best, and sometimes... that's enough to make an adventure work. Standout contributions -- Howard Carter provides us a wonderfully faithful and exciting score, and Jon Culshaw does his best in bringing alive the Brigadier and Kamelion. I really don't like his Master, though; it feels as if he's thrown all acting talents outside the window in favour of awkwardly mimicking Anthony Ainley, and it really doesn't suit him.


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