The Blue Tooth [AUDIO/2007.2.?]


  Cybermen are terrifying because they can be all of us. They can be all around us, cold and calculative and scientific to a fault. An argument could be made that they're the logical end point of humanity, and that sort of horror, the kind that hits far too close to home for comfort, is what The Blue Tooth uses well.

  Liz Shaw is one of my favourite companions, a no-nonsense scientist whom the Doctor respects and regards as an equal (we need more of this dynamic on the show!), and to hear her almost get converted into a Cyberman is terrifying. These emotional robots have a habit of getting under my skin in good stories, but this one especially brought home the notion of these... normal people being morphed into unspeakably scary creatures of metal, often regardless of their will. Liz's friend ends up becoming a Cyberman in a horrific revelation, and it's incredibly hard-hitting. Who knew a story about ransacked bedrooms and funny-smelling dentists' offices would lay the groundwork for such an effective Cyberman adventure?

  I do wish this was longer, but I understand that they were experimenting with the Companion Chronicles formula at the time (this was released before Series 3 even started!). I still really like The Blue Tooth as it is, an effective Cyberman story that features a good characterisation of the Third Doctor -- the ever-charming genius who's critical of the Brigadier's actions concerning UNIT -- and one told by the late great Caroline John. Some of my favorite Liz moments come from Big Finish, and I mourn her passing everyday. 


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