Gobbledegook [AUDIO/2023.4.5]


  Fans of ...ish rejoice (but also beware): this is a wonderful tale of words, with an evocative library setting brought to life by some great sound design and narration by Dan Starkey. However, be warned that it's much less interested in the English langauge than ...ish, and more into the Fifth Doctor's friendship with this rather lovely armadillo character named Velar. Starkey manages to capture both the gruff and battle-worn ex-soldier turned librarian and the breathless fifth incarnation of the Doctor, to the point where it sometimes feels like two different actors are playing these characters. That's some remarkable skill as a narrator. Gobbledegook is a fun adventure, filled with good moments for the Doctor and bolstered by a wonderful premise (an entire race of language turning libary words into incomprehensible nonsense). If you ever manage to get your hands on it, do give it a go -- it's a sweet little audio drama.


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