Regeneration Impossible [AUDIO/2020.5.23]


  For a Short Trip release most known for 'that one Big Finish adventure where the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors meet', Regeneration Impossible's a pretty darn enjoyable piece. Much more lowkey than your normal multi-Doctor adventure, but still solid and dependable. Maybe Big Finish should take notes from Alfie Shaw, and realise that without any other interesting ideas, a multi-Doctor story entirely supported by multi-Doctor interactions should maybe be mainly focused on those.

  Jacob Dudman's a real dear giving his best here. His Eleven is spot on... his Twelve not so much... but he lends the story some real chutzpah through sheer determination not to sound identical in his two roles. I like how the main character starts off as Eleven, still grieving from the loss of the Ponds and "in retirement", and slowly shifts to Twelve as he treats his predecessor with such barely hidden annoyance (something that Dudman plays up to the hilt, making it a genuinely funny bit of the audio drama), Explanation for their meeting? Don't expect the most ingenious explanation out there, it's mostly waved way in favour of getting on with an interesting plot, and the regeneration-sucking vampire's a pretty neat idea. If you want two Doctors trapped inside a morgue with no way out and only themselves and a regenerating corpse for company, Regeneration Impossible's just your thing. 


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