The Dominators [TV/1968.8.10 ~ 9.7]


  The Dominators happens to be one of those Dr. Who curios that manage to be little more of a talking point than "oh, remember they started Season 6 with that one?"; not one aspect of it is genuinely memorable except for the Quarks (which are mostly remembered for its unusual design anyway). At five episodes -- even without the cut extra episode's length -- it's very slow and uneventful. It's even more maligned than The Wheel in Space around many Dr. Who fan communities, and I would like to stand up and say that it's a great pity that's the case. Many would say Wheel is better for having Cybermen... but the Cybermen there are even less memorable and effective than the Quarks here, and the latter literally waddle around. Zoe also gets to do a lot more here too, interacting with the locals and dressing up in the native garb. The Dominators also has the advantage of looking like a much more ambitious project with two entire civilisations represented by structures and clothing, which I always enjoy in fictional works. It doesn't change the fact that I find both serials rather bad, but I'd rather watch Dominators than Wheel, thank you very much.

  Breaking off from that random tangent, this serial itself isn't the worst thing you'll ever watch. Quite a lot of it can be appreciated, such as the two fictional civilisations brought to life with different costume styles and mannerisms/codes, and Patrick Troughton and Frazer Hines have a fun time pretending to be incredibly stupid for half the runtime. Sadly, it still doesn't change the fact that much of the serial is brought down by the fact that nothing much happens in it at all. It becomes boring when we get to the Dulkian elders for the nth time and everyone asks the same questions again and again. The Dominators themselves are incredibly naff with no charm, no charisma at all to suggest their supposed fright factor. In short, I wouldn't hesitate to pick this up when held at gunpoint... but on a lazy sunny day, I wouldn't get near this serial when I pick a Dr. Who adventure to put on.


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