The Highlanders [TV/1966.12.17 ~ 1967.1.7]


  I love The Highlanders so much, and it's not just because I love pure historicals -- I promise! It's mostly (but not fully, because this serial's got so many gems) because I think this is one of Patrick Troughton's best ever serials as the Second Doctor. Like I mentioned in my review of The Underwater Menace, early-days Two was quite a different beast; he was still goofy, alright, but there was a particularly alien edge to him, like you just knew he would never be the same as you. It imbues his characterisation, and the serial in general, a sharper edge that keeps the audience worrying and guessing (remember, this was right after the very first regeneration, so nobody quite knew what they were in for). Watching these serials again, it's almost as if Troughton decided to play his incarnation as what a younger First Doctor would have been -- mischievous, intellectual and yet mysterious, and quite a bit detached and ruthless. The Highlanders sees the Doctor using his quick wit to worm his way into the offices of high officials, hold them at gunpoint and tie them up, hype up an onscreen Dr. Who hat collection which leads to nowhere and get dressed in all sorts of disguises. The Second Doctor really loved his disguises in his early days, didn't he?

  I love The Highlanders also because in true historical fashion, everyone gets a fun role to play and every actor seems to be having a good time filming it. Polly gets to gaslight/gatekeep/girlboss her way into a lieutenant's heart and essentially ruin in life to save her friends, and Ben gets to swim and orchestrate prison breaks all while chumming it up with the Highlanders. Finally, Jamie McCrimmon is introduced in this serial -- and true, he doesn't get to do much. If anything, Kirsty is the standout guest character here, being such a fun character to be with. A part of me wishes I lived in an alternate universe where Hannah Gordon was offered the companion role instead of Frazer Hines... but even typing that makes my heart ache because I love Hines and Jamie so so much. I'm just glad with what we got in the end, and I'm glad I love Loose Canon recons since that is the only way to watch this bundle of fun. The Highlanders is a quick trot around a cruel part of Scottish history, and I always have such fun with it. Who says the Doctor shouldn't use a gun? Clearly, when they get to brandish a firearm, they hatch the most devious and ridiculously fun plots imaginable -- here's Exhibit A.


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