The Ice Warriors [TV/1967.11.11 ~ 12.16]


  When I say that The Ice Warriors' most standout element is not, in fact, the eponymous aliens, you might take it as a criticism. I don't think so; in fact, I think it's a testament to how well thought-out the character dynamics and general narrative structure are that the serial doesn't have to rely on its by-default biggest selling point to be memorable. The characters of Clent and Penley, one viciously loyal to the almighty Computer and the other a more reasonable, skeptical type who is disillusioned by the former's ruthlessly inhumane adherence to science, make this adventure what it truly is -- a moral tale of how science is always more complicated and complex than simply a tool to help humanity. That's not to say the Ice Warriors are not memorable, of course -- they're still menacing, their giant stature and hissing voices adding to their charm, and they present a good threat for the Doctor and co. to thwart.

  It sometimes suffers from its six-part format (especially with the whole thing about Jamie losing his ability to walk for some time), but The Ice Warriors ultimately triumphs in entertaining the audience with an eclectic and memorable vision of the future, good performances from the guest cast as well as dependably enjoyable turns from the regulars (the Second Doctor turns the most droll material into the most interesting thing ever and in these moments, I am in constant awe at Patrick Troughton's ability to be so dominating). The sets are really nice too, and the Ice Warrior costumes are incredible pieces of work. 


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