The Jago & Litefoot Revival [AUDIO/2017.3.26 ~ 4.4]


  Does the Jago & Litefoot combination ever miss? These two are genuinely some of the most delightful additions to the Dr. Who mythos, and Christopher Benjamin and Trevor Baxter are always so amazing to listen to. It's like what I said about Tom Baker in my review of The Stuff of Nightmares -- they're full of excitement and attention-grabbing charm, with the most delicious lines written up just for them. 

  They are simply sublime, and what's even greater about The Jago & Litefoot Revival is that they get to meet not just one, but two new series Doctors. I'm delighted to report that both Benjamin and Baxter portray the unique mannerisms of the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors so well, with Baxter especially having a lot of fun with David Tennant's Mockney. There's no particular reason for those two particular incarnations to be there instead of any number of other Doctors, but what's the point in reducing fun stories down to logic? This is meant to be pure fun, and this Short Trips adventure is full of delights, charm, thrills and melancholy (setting Ten's timeline during The End of Time, for instance). On the other side of the table, Eleven gets to have a ball sucking at juggling as well, and I could very much imagine him in the Victorian London setting (which would go on to be a substantial part of his own timeline). Eleven and Jago have such a striking chemistry -- with the normally buffoonish latter being rather irritated by the next-level tomfoolery of this incarnation -- and I was shaking with giggles by the endl. Ah, how great it is to have a Dr. Who story that's purely pleasant. The stakes aren't the highest, nor is the drama the most impending, but you're not regretting anything listening to this Short Trips two-parter. 


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