Time Heist [TV/2014.9.20]


  Do you think it's odd that I give this episode a higher rating than most? Well then, I'm about to tell you why I think Time Heist is a fantastic slice of Dr. Who. It's got a breakneck pace for one; I know I give the impression that I dislke stories that rush along, but sometimes the quick pace absolutely works for something like this episode (that said, I would like a Target novelisation somewhere down the line that greatly expands the heist process). We introduce the characters, we introduce the central plot, the characters get to do cool things and the Doctor gets to be the Doctor. It's obvious that both the Twelfth Doctor and Peter Capaldi are finding their feet at this point ("went for minimalism but I think it came out a bit magician"), and that learning process is so apparent. He's very much a Steven Moffat-mould Doctor from the off, all goof and technobabble, until he gets to show a bit more grit and cold in his hearts. Then, when he meets the big bad of the episode, he does the most unexpected thing: gives her his number and asks her to call him. Sure, it's because the story turns out to be a causal loop with Karabraxos, but I love the idea constantly thrown about in the Who mythos that the Doctor sometimes just banks on a villain's eventual mellowing and retribution. It's something that only Dr. Who would consistently return to, what with the leading protagonist's pacifism, and I think it's marvellous.

  Clara acts as the Doctor's moral compass -- and almost an identification figure -- throughout Series 8, and Jenna Coleman (with typical class and talent) delivers a very confident performance. She doesn't get to do an awful lot here, but she's just along for the fun ride and that's totally fine. She's mostly just a component of the episode, though, alongside a selection of the most wonderful characters. Psi and Saibra are two of the most wonderful one-off associate characters I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing, and I wish they come back in some form or another. Ms. Delphox/Karabraxos is a wonderfully charming and sleazy villain played by Keeley Hawes (Miss Lara Croft herself!) as well, who seems to be having a whale of a time. Finally, the Teller is certainly an interesting addition to the overall mythos, but it's a cute little thing that's brought to life quite effectively via prosthetics. Time Heist is a sleek, sexy piece of Dr. Who that uses the show's boundless imagination to the limits, jumping from one subgenre to the other. It's exciting, funny, sometimes chilling, and that's exactly what I was looking for in 2014. I remember loving it back then, and I still love it now. 


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