Universal Monsters [COMIC/2008.1.10 ~ 3.6]


  I love, love, love it when a medium's strengths are utilised like this. Ever looked at a Big Finish Bernice Summerfield audio drama cover and thought, 'wow, I wish this artist drew an actual Dr. Who comic'? Well, here's your answer: Adrian Salmon breathing so much life into a story that veers from Universal-era monster fantasy/horror to sci-fi so seamlessly, and with such fun.

  Speaking of, can't we have more overtly fantastical stories in Dr. Who? Examples like this and Face the Raven get me excited so much because of my love for the dark fantasy/horror fantasy/whatnot genre(s); paired with the beautiful colours and Salmon's unique illustrations, Universal Monsters is a fine example of what the comic medium can uniquely do in the realm of Who. Both the Tenth Doctor and Martha get to show their strengths, they both encounter healthy servings of Universal monster movie cliches, and (true to no. 10's vibe) the Doctor gets to have a solemn final moment -- a remembrance of a taken life. I love monsters, I love it when the age-old story of a village of monsters is given new life and context, and I love the Doctor and Martha -- "Smith and Jones". Universal Monsters has a wonderful amount of thrills, mystery and tragedy to offer, all wrapped up in the most beautiful wrapping. It's practically all you'd want from a Dr. Who comic aiming high on creativity!


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