Ghost Station [AUDIO/2020.7.31]


  Ghost Station is the kind of audio drama perfectly suited for the thirty-minute runtime. Can you imagine someone trying to stretch this to a two-parter? No, I think Steve Lyons' script is perfectly suited for this compact length, considering its tense atmosphere (which Jamie Anderson brings to life amazingly well) is almost wholly dependent on the one big reveal regarding the other character of the story apart from the Doctor, soldier Peter Meier. Being a contained two-hander with much emphasis on the incidental character, Ghost Station manages to be enjoyable because both the writing and the performance cater for this Peter character quite extensively, with Timothy Blore giving a rather good turn as this soldier who merely wants to rejoin his family at the other side of the border. As it stands, this is worth spending thirty minutes listening to; it's a tense, poignant audio drama bolstered by solid sound design.


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