Landbound [AUDIO/2017.12.29]


  I can see Third Doctor fans foam at the mouths over this one. Landbound trades traditional Dr. Who adventure stakes for drama and more internal explorations of the Doctor's mind during his time in exile, and Selim Ulug does a wonderful job at bringing that turmoil to life. If you're familiar with the kind of stories they pick as the Paul Spragg Memorial Short Trips contest winner (or, for that matter, with Short Trips in general), you'd either be feeling right at home or yawning as you head for the exit. Me, I'm not looking at a gift horse in the mouth. I;m just taking this free Big Finish audio drama gladly... but I would appreciate a bit of a departure from the norm next time. Maybe in 2023, things will be different?

  In any case, Landbound's a sweet little story about the Doctor making a friend as they share their feelings over being forced out of their travelling lives over some wine and ale. Expect a generally pleasant atmosphere, a pretty good turn as both Three and the incidental character by Nicholas Briggs, and a horrifying flashback. 


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