Masterplan [AUDIO/2014.11.17]


  No disrespect to the other Doctors the Macqueen Master has faced, but Paul McGann's Dark Eyes Eighth Doctor has a very special spark whenever he interacts with this Master. It makes sense in a way, since Dark Eyes 3 in particular is practically a huge Doctor v Master four-part extravaganza with added Eminence; these two were destined to clash, and clash they do with much aplomb. This was a needed story, one in which the Doctor and Master are stuck in one location and (try to) talk it out between them. Naturally, chaos ensues and the threat of Eminence domination/Master tomfoolery still looms over the Doctor and co., but we get so much about the relationship between the two in the meantime, their dynamic and their modus operandi for what they do. Matt Fitton dedicates more than half of the audio drama's runtime to the two Time Lords "talking" it out and it's genuinely brilliant stuff -- wit and hatred flying about like crazy. It also helps that Liv also gets a strong showcase as well, holding Sally Armstrong on her own as she slowly accepts her death (something she's been doing throughout her early Dark Eyes tenure). Then again, is it a slight bummer that her death is waved away so easily by the end of it? Yes, even with the knowledge that she'll go on to define an entire era of Eight's time in Big Finish. 

  Masterplan may just be the highlight of Dark Eyes 3. I know it's not exactly an underdog opinion, but it's easy to see why so many people think this way when it strikes gold in so many areas. Matt Fitton tries his hand in a new series-type bottle episode and it works, it absolutely works; the Doctor, the Master, Liv Chenka and Sally Armstrong are all such strong characters and their interactions are written and performed so well. Standout moment is, of course, when Sally meets her fate and the Master betrays a genuine sense of sadness. The Master has never been totally heart(s)less and this little moment is yet another example. 


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