Project: Twilight [AUDIO/2001.8.20]


  You never forget the first time you listen to Project: Twilight. It shocks you with how modern it is, how different it is from the norm, and you have no choice but to let it find its way into your mind and permanently lodge itself there; its production value and story are unforgettable. I can only imagine what how contemporary reactions were to this surprise hit; I was unfortunately not terrribly familiar with Big Finish at the time, but I can confidently say that I would've loved it as strongly as I do had I experienced it then. 

  Casinos, vampires trading in blood money, a secret government division carrying out human experiments, the consequences of war... all in the middle Southeast London... what a concept. What an execution as well, with Colin Baker and Maggie Stables immediately matching the urgency of the tone and the ultra-violent, ultra-serious nature of the narrative. Baker in particular is on fire, with the Sixth Doctor disposing of the needless attitude and focusing on saving as many people as he can. He's angry, he's confused and most importantly, he's well and truly scared -- and with how wonderfully Baker portrays this, it's no wonder that his incarnation was once picked by Doctor Who Magazine readers as the best Doctor.

  It's like watching an incredibly polished, well-directed thriller film for the new millennium; everything is so 2001, from the Tony Blair news reports on the telly to the blaring telephone ringtones, evoking such a sense of modern nostalgia to a listener as detached from that time as Cavan Scott and Mark Wright were from the 1980s. The cliffhangers are incredibly good, the reveals are terrifying, and the Forge sets up one of Big Finish's most accomplished story arcs. Project: Twilight is a must-listen for newcomers, and a fantastic showcase of the Sixth Doctor and Evelyn at their very best. With its blend of these bloodsuckers and early-2000s casino and crime family drama, it's clear that vampires still have a place in Dr. Who, and this is Exhibit A to Z all in one.


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