Revenge of the Cybermen [TV/1975.4.19 ~ 5.10]


  Revenge of the Cybermen is a funny little serial, because it always teeters between a two-star serial and a one-star serial for me, and I suspect it'll do that for a number of times in the future. However, deep down, I've always known that I cared very little for it; it's a wonky piece of work, and not the sort of wonky that warms your heart, but the sort of half-arsed shakiness that practically walks up to you and shouts "oh no, we haven't even tried with this one!". I'm saying it now, if you wish to experience a Cybermen adventure on Nerva Beacon that's infinitely more enjoyable, go check out Big Finish's Return of the Cybermen (which used Gerry Davis's original script/draft as the blueprint).

  When the tragic misuse of Kevin Stoney's impeccable talents is the smallest thing I have a grudge on, you know this serial was never meant to be for me. I enjoy the silly production fluff here and there, but this really feels like a low-budget cheap sci-fi television piece with hardly any effort thrown at its direction. From ineffective Cybermen to the most boring alien conflict you're ever going to witness for quite a while, this serial is full of the most sleep-inducing creative decisions ever conceivable. Michael Briant's direction does very little to set the mood, and the narrative offers very little while retaining the tortoise-like pace that longer, more stuffed serials would usually have. The only saving grace, I would say, is the energetic performance from Tom Baker for half of the serial, giggling like an evil madman and dishing out attitude for everybody in Nerva Beacon. Apart from him, I don't find any reason whatsoever to go back to Revenge of the Cybermen at any day of the year. I have no other words to say about this serial, except that I would call this the exact serial you should never use to lure your friends into the programme; its worse-than-usual effects, direction, scares and all manners of creative directions lead it to be the kind of serial detractors think Dr. Who is like every time.


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