Songs of Love [AUDIO/2017.3.7]


  By taking the action away from the Doctor for an installment, Songs of Love offers listeners a wider perspective on the consequences of the Doom Coalition's plans. While River is monitoring the political machinations on Gallifrey and trying to remain undetected, Liv and Helen are fighting to survive in a dying world as the universe faces destruction. This is a great way to lift the stakes, and a good reminder that the clock's ticking for the rest of the world while the TARDIS crew is separated. No pressure for our heroes, naturally.

  The standout character here is, of course, River Song. Matt Fitton gets the character from the off and gives her such a wonderful chance to shine (until now always having had to operate from behind the shadows), fully out and about as herself and mingling with the Doom Coalition baddies as she uses her future "murder" of the Eleventh Doctor as a golden star on her CV. Alex Kingson knows she's fully capable of rising to the challenge, and she gives her standout performance here; she's cool, she's smart and quick on her feet, she's compassionate and kind towards Liv and Helen, and she gets a hearts-to-hearts moment with the Eighth Doctor as well, just as he's about to be rescued; it's a beautiful moment. On top of all this, River absolutely runs circles around the foolish Time Lords who think they have a grasp on who she is. Kingson kills it here. 

  Doom Coalition 4 in general is a pretty continuity-heavy series by its design, but Songs of Love nevertheless provides a sort of respite for the weary listener. Sure, the first half is incredibly heavy on what came before and how the pieces align together, but it at least flows nicely. Plus, Fitton remembers to mix a dose of Liv and Helen's exploits as well to remind us that they're going through it as well. I remember considering Songs of Love my favourite of this boxset, and something tells me it will be the same with this revisit.


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