The Armageddon Factor [TV/1979.1.20 ~ 2.24]


  You know, I could never outright dislike or hate a serial that starts with a mock propaganda commercial with obviously fake CSO backgrounds and two lovers talking about the glory of their planet's war and how everyone must submit to their love for peace by fighting the good fight. To this day, The Armageddon Factor has somewhat of a mixed reception among fans, even those who love the Graham Williams era (and the Key to Time arc specifically). Maybe it's the fact that it's about an episode and a half too long for its own good, or maybe it's that the Shadow is a pretty naff villain, or is that practically every incidental character in this serial is much more one-note than its Williams-era peers (a fact I normally don't have an issue with whatsoever, but do in the case of this serial because the lack of charisma in 75% of these characters is particularly egregious). Maybe Dr. Who can't always be perfect, and sometimes one must count one's wins and losses. The Armageddon Factor has a hefty amount of good and bad in it, is what I'm trying to say.

  Tom Baker's still at the height of his charm here, and is helped by the introduction of fan favourite Drax -- the Cockney Time Lord with a sense of humour and a tinge of something more sinister -- and a fun turn by John Leeson's K-9. I can't in all honestly call this Romana's final hour, being imprisoned, tortured and left to be the asker of questions so that the Doctor can tell his amazing plan to the audience. Hardly the finest hour here, and it's a shame that Mary Tamm left after this serial. Lalla Ward, incoming Romana with a different role, isn't given much either to show off her acting knacks, but she does her best. The Armageddon Factor's a serial I rarely revisit (it's usually for the entire Season 16 rewatch), but whenever I do, I'm often surprised by how better it is than I remember. A zany plot with time loops and a devastating war against a computer, and a human segment of the Key to Time... this is the Williams era encapsulated, for better or worse. Expect a lot of jokes to lighten up the rather dull moments situated here and there.


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