The Death of Hope [AUDIO/2014.11.17]


  Not the most impressive moment for Paul McGann's Eighth Doctor... because of course, he barely even features in this adventure... but The Death of Hope impresses by showing us just how good a leading man Alex Macqueen can make as the Master. At his best, when he's the most manipulative and malevolent under the smart-aleck guise, it's hard not to think of him as the definitive Master. Big Finish hit gold with his casting, and Dark Eyes 3 as a whole is elevated several notches thanks to his involvement. It also helps that the Master is used so well; this audio drama is a detailed look at his plan to use the Eminence crisis to his advantage, and it's clear from the off that no one would be exempt from his callous disregard once stuff hits the fan. Macqueen plays him to the hilt as a manipulator, almost like a corporate businessman who treats everything and everyone like a commodity until they outlive their usefulness, and that's what stands out about this incarnation -- and why I love him so much. Essentially a preview for the rest of Dark Eyes 3 but a riveting experience in its own right, The Death of Hope gives us a glimpse of the major players of the saga outside the Doctor's sphere and sets up the stakes rather nicely. It helps that both Molly O'Sullivan and Hope Gardner are wonderful characters and serve as the otherwise cold-hearted story's source of warmth.


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