The Emerald Tiger [AUDIO/2012.4.17]


  For my money, this is Barnaby Edwards' masterpiece; as a director and writer, he shows just how much he has to offer for Big Finish in the form of a frightfully riveting and exciting adventure, with plenty of frights, delights, and visual splendor indicated by the most crisp, beautifully curated soundscapes plucked straight from your wildest dreams. This is not the kind of story that offers many plot twists or clever intricacies, and does it really need to? The answer is no, not when it's geared to get your heart racing and set your adventurous spirit ablaze. With excellent music and direction, and with an effortless brilliant pacing, this is one audio drama you don't want to miss.

  The TARDIS team is on fire here, with each member getting to do at least one huge memorable thing (for Turlough, I'd say constantly getting reprimanded by Major Haggard). The villainous force of Shardul Khan, imbued with mystical powers in almost a fairytale-like way, adds so much of the whimsy and wonder this story is known for. The Jungle Book pastiche is cute, too, and adds even more to the storybook-like aspect of this adventure. All these elements come together in one happy marriage, elevating this adventure to high art at times; it really is that good, and it's another belter for the Fifth Doctor's era on audio. The entire set piece of Part 2, with the Doctor jumping from a hot air balloon to climb onto a speeding train should give you all the clues you need to deduce that The Emerald Tiger is something special, the sort of monthly range installment to be cherished for years to come. Truly, truly wonderful.


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