The Rocket Men [AUDIO/2011.8.10]


  Featuring a truly beautiful score, The Rocket Men gives Ian Chesterton a remarkable turn as a hero fallen in love who feels like their time is running out, like he can't be brave enough to confess his feelings to the woman he loves -- but learns by the end of the adventure that he had it in him all along. John Dorney writes for him so well, giving William Russell the opportunity to show listeners his every emotion and passing thought in a dangerous situation in which everyone's lives are at risk. The Rocket Men is a breakneck tale, with plenty of action (the biggest "set piece" is literally Ian and Barbara falling from the sky, which takes up at least one third of the audio drama) working hand in hand with the more tender moments (Ian's narration all but shouting to the heavens that he loves Barbara). Listening to Russell tenderly, carefully talk about how magnificent Barbara is, how happy she makes him feel, is a beautiful experience indeed.

  Ashman is a fantastic villain, brought to life by the talented Gus Brown, and he's the perfect baddie to offset this calm and collected story; he and his Rocket Men are the Greedy Grunts from Hell, taking over entire planets for its rich natural resources, and with the right amount of fun, cheese and seriousness they can become one of the most memorable Big Finish original villains (as future releases proved them to be). Add all these into a mix, and put in a serving of beautiful depictions of alien natural wildlife, and you have a winner. The Rocket Men is a joy to listen to, and for fans of Ian and Barbara, there is nothing quite as life-affirming as this little audio drama.


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