Underworld [TV/1978.1.7 ~ 1.28]


  I'm not ashamed to admit that I get a sense of glee whenever I discover that my opinion on something differs wildly from the popular consensus of the wider fandom. I don't love or hate anything purely to be contrarian (I'm very honest to my own heart in that respect), but I just think it's nice that I sometimes have the blessing of getting to see something in a different light. Alas, Underworld has never been one of those cases, and I find it just as dull and lifeless as mostly everyone else does. 

  Thing is, the "wonky (I dunno, it seems just as technically wibbly as every other instance of classic series CSO to me, so I see no reason to single that aspect of it out for this serial)" CSO isn't the big problem I have with it. The problem is that they had the opportunity to use a lot more creative and imaginative backgrounds than endless corridors of caverns and rocks. This is supposed to be a homage to Jason and the Quest for the Golden Fleece, isn't it? Well, give the commoners a bit more flair in their apparel, and show us something other than loads of rock formations... otherwise I get the awful feeling that the production's turned down a major opportunity to make this a visually ambitious (if not narratively so) venture. I'm no logistics expert, but overlaying a photo of something nice and cool would surely be cheaper than making the sets, wouldn't it?

  Anyhow, not even the dullness of the CSO is the worst part of Underworld, the deeper gorge is that the Greek myth inspirations are all but squandered on a script and production that seem to give not a single jot of care in bringing that mythological magic alive. I'm not saying this being sci-fi ruined it, I'm saying that it's not fun... at all! The characters are far from charming, the villains are forgettable, and Bob Baker and Dave Martin's treatment of Leela feels like they've just about had it with her. I suppose Tom Baker tries his best to enliven such a nothing of an adventure, but alas, his charms are no match for the overbearing dullness of Underworld. Avoid at all costs.


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