Hour of the Cybermen [AUDIO/2018.7.12]


  Hour of the Cybermen really makes you understand why Ashad from Series 12 of the TV series was such a smash hit. I feel like people nowadays are, whether they realise it or not, craving for a figurehead type character for the Cybermen again. You know, one that walks and talks differently from the rest and betrays a bit of emotion (God forbid, eh?). Say what you will about the Cybermen from the John Nathan-Turner era, but David Banks as the Cyber-Leader will always be one of the race's greatest strengths. He oozes charisma and displays just enough emotion as the Leader that it's obvious he's different and much more commanding, but not too much that it doesn't feel right coming from a Cyberman. Having him back on an audio drama that's pretty darn good (i.e. knows how the 80s Cybermen worked and how they could be written in an interesting way) is something of a blessing whenever I listen ot Hour of the Cybermen. I remember picking this up on release and treasuring it like nothing else. Andrew Smith isn't my favourite Dr. Who writer by any stretch of the meaning, but he sometimes comes up with these incredible adventures. To be honest, I don't think the script is the strongest element of Hour -- that'd have to be either Banks as the Cyber-Leader or Jamie Anderson's wonderful direction -- but Smith's script is very airtight, plot-heavy and savvy with dishing out thrills... which is all you need sometimes. I love the simple premise of Cybermen drying out the world (using water as a weapon, what nasty work), and I'm very much a fan of how Six is written here as a begrudging aid to UNIT that gets to realise the errors of his ways, and is completely impervious to Cyberman intimidation. He's a kind spirit to those who deserve his kindness, and the meanest opponent you'll ever get for those you deserve his ire. Can't get a more succint and powerful prompt for the Doctor, really. Hour of the Cybermen flies by, a real treat of an audio drama, and it's just really nice to listen to David Banks again.


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