Intuition [AUDIO/2014.12.22]


  It's a fun little story, Intuition. I'm afriad there's not a lot for me to say about it, as it's one of those coasting Short Trips where there's a simple monster with a good enough premise and a minimal runtime (such is the burden of the Short Trip) to show the Doctor solving the crisis. Depending on how you look at it, it's either a good thing or a bad thing, and for me it's a mixture of both. It's completely inoffensive, unintrusive, and easy to listen to. It is noteworthy that the Sixth Doctor, one of the most outwardly assured of Doctors, gets to tackle this entity from outer space who has been influencing the precognitive ability of those within its vicinity. Stephen Chritchlow does an okay enough job at trying his hand with Ol' Sixie, but I think I'd rather take another actor (preferably, of course, Colin Baker himself), thank you very much. I do also love how Rob Nisbet took the time to flesh out how the Sixth Doctor's mind works, with the rather hilarious first five minutes -- I think I enjoyed my time with Intuition.


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