The Game [AUDIO/2005.2.?]


  The monthly range from Big Finish is still teeming with barely-discussed (read: almost forgotten) releases that are actually pretty amazing. The Game is one of them, a wildly entertaining six-parter (though not with traditionally 25-minute long parts, but rather shorter ones to fit the usual 2-hour mark) that goes into hooliganism, commercialised warfare and gambling/drug trafficking. It fits nicely into the 'capitalism is actually pretty terrible' group of stories you sometimes find, and it's perhaps much more memorable than people give it credit for. I mean, how many adventures does the Doctor has where they end up being a player of a deadly game where killing is the way to victory?

  Another win for Gary Russell as director; he's still one of Big Finish's best, and his grasp on pacing and sound design means that the six parts fly by (with an entire part solely dedicated to the Doctor playing -- or rather surviving -- the Naxy game) and the entire production is filled with the most pleasing sound effects and score. Dear Lord, that score -- I wish to get an isolated copy of it one day. Andy Hardwick, I love thee. There are quite a few lovely twists here and there that'll keep you on your toes, and Peter Davison's energetic performance pairs with the high-octane nature of the story nicely. If you like your Dr. Who a bit on the bloody side sometimes, The Game is as good a Big Finish audio as any to sate your bloodlust, you sick bastard. 

  Good thing I'm a sick bastard as well, then.


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