Tooth and Claw [TV/2006.4.22]


  My, if the Tenth Doctor and Rose were threatening to be this cuddly and frivolous about many things, no wonder a whole heap of fans started complaining about their pairing in Series 2. For the record, I think they make a fine couple first and an entertaining TARDIS duo second, but there are a couple of scenes here with the both of them giggling and such over pretty serious circumstances that (I think) hurt the overall viewing experience. I think the intent with this one was to make a proper scary episode with a really rather artistically sound CGI werewolf and set up a Torchwood reveal that was, to be fair, pretty well done! Biggest detractor here for me would be that Euros Lyn really (and by that, I mean really...) struggles with directing the Shaolin kung fu-infused pre-titles sequence and it threatens to bring down the entire level of enjoyment I have for the rest of the episode. That cold open is terrible.

  As a whole 45-minute episode, Tooth and Claw's a pretty easy one to watch if you've got the stomach for grisly sound effects as people die (read: get eaten up by a giant werewolf). David Tennant shapes up to be an energetic and engaging Doctor, and Billie Piper's honestly doing what the script says and having the time of her life. I'm still very certain that the Doctor/Rose scenes here may have sounded sweet on paper, but those few moments where they surround themselves in this bubble of sweetheart love and fun while the whole world comes crashing around them don't work at all, especially not in the early stages of Series 2. I get they were pretty much needed for the series finale to hit as hard as it does, but still -- there's a bloody werewolf trying to kill everyone, do the Doctor and Rose really need to laugh about it during the chaos? It's not wrong that they're doing it, it's wrong that I don't find that enjoyable and that I personally think it lets down the viewing experience -- just had to clarify that. It's overall a fun, heart-racing horror episode. Tooth and Claw, and the Queen Victoria stuff is a little amusing as well, I suppose.


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